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Outplacement engagement rates: what are they and why are they important?

August 01, 2024 Written by Elizabeth Openshaw


If it’s time in your company’s life to look at outplacement providers, how the outplacement process works, and which is the right provider for you and your departing employees, you also need to look at how different programmes measure their results. One of the first, and possibly most important, metrics you should look at are the outplacement engagement rates.

So what are they and why are they important?

Outplacement engagement rates measure how effectively outplacement providers establish initial connections with those employees who are participating in the client’s outplacement process. This is to make sure they receive outplacement support from the off. Outplacement engagement rates gauge the level of active involvement and participation in the outplacement programme, for as long as displaced workers remain in it, up until they secure a new position.

It can be an emotionally tricky time for participants, as they are having to deal with the news that they’ve lost their job and need to find a new one. Even though outplacement services are designed to help them, they might not feel ready.

This is where professional, people-first outplacement providers come in.

A higher engagement rate shows that a greater percentage of employees are actively using and, more importantly, benefiting from the outplacement services, such as career coaching, assistance with CVs, and job search support, alongside other resources that are designed to facilitate a successful transition into a new role.

There’s a lot about outplacement engagement rates that you might not have considered, such as a lack of understanding among participants about what outplacement actually is and how it can help. This can lead to potential participants declining any outplacement services offered.

For the record, Careerminds has an outplacement engagement rate of at least 80%.

Why do some participants decline outplacement services?

It’s a simple fact that, even if something is offered for free, it might not be taken up. There are a few different reasons why an affected employee might decide not to use outplacement services.

  • They’re taking early retirement
  • They’re returning to full-time education
  • They’ve already found a new job

That last point might have been because their employer wasn’t on the ball enough to employ an outplacement service provider at an early stage, leaving their staff in the dark as to what to do next. Some members of staff have used their initiative and secured a new role on their own. But that’s quite rare, so it’s important to get workers started with outplacement as soon as possible.

There is one more reason though… potential participants might be hesitant to use outplacement services because they just don’t really know what it is. At Careerminds, we’ve found that when the HR department of an organisation takes the time to educate department managers in fully explaining to outgoing employees what outplacement is, they’re more receptive to using our services. 

How many participants start with Careerminds understanding what outplacement is?

This is a tricky one to quantify, as there’s no data on it. We’ve found that a lot of people have never even heard the word “outplacement” before, unless they work in HR. But others, such as those who come from a sector where there have been a lot of redundancies, are familiar with the process. So, not surprisingly, this figure can vary widely from sector to sector, which means it’s difficult to say what percentage of participants know about outplacement before we offer up our services.

Other factors for this also come into play, such as the level a participant is at within the company they’re leaving, or whether they’re in a stable industry that hasn’t seen a lot of change. That’s why it’s important to educate all impacted employees on what outplacement entails, so they have an equal understanding of the services they are being offered.

It’s estimated that millennials (those born between 1981 and 1996) make up 50% of the global workforce. This is an important demographic to look at in terms of outplacement trends and engagement. For a lot of millennials, the job they’re leaving was probably the first job they had after university or further education. It means their CV could do with a bit of a spit and polish and they’ll need support developing a career path.

With this section of the workforce, finding the right fit in an organisation is of high importance, probably more so than the generation before (which is Gen X, if you’re wondering). A healthy work-life balance is top priority, and they often prioritise this above other factors when making use of our outplacement services.

Additionally, it’s important to mention the effect of the company brand and work culture, even when redundancies aren’t round the corner. Sites such as Glassdoor and LinkedIn, or a simple online search, can impact how attractive a company is to job seekers. Potential employees are keen to know what the culture is like, not only when redundancies are on the cards, but when things are going well.

How does Careerminds create effective programmes for participants?

We pride ourselves on not being a typical outplacement provider. It’s one of the first things that clients learn during our outplacement programme demo. For a start:

  • All participants receive a coaching programme that is customised to their individual needs.
  • We blend our people-first approach with the latest technological advances and virtual outplacement resources, so that personalised training and coaching is accessible and available any time of day or night, no matter where you are in the world.
  • This unique approach allows participants to secure new and improved positions within just 11.5 weeks, three times faster than average.
  • We have a 95% placement rate, because we work with participants until they secure their next job, under our until placement guarantee.

What do Careerminds’ successful participants have in common?

Probably the most common, and the most crucial, similarity is their mindset. Successful participants come into the outplacement programme already geared up with a positive attitude, or they soon develop one by attending our webinars and exploring our content.

Coaches set milestones with participants and they work together so participants can see how their hard work is beneficial. This approach, combined with a productive mindset, gives participants their best chance of success during a career transition.

An overview of outplacement engagement rates

As proved, the connection between an outplacement provider and its participant is very significant in creating impressive engagement and success rates. At Careerminds, we continually adjust our approach and offerings in line with the dynamic job market and industry trends to ensure our participants flourish.

Key takeaways include:

  • Outplacement engagement rates measure the effectiveness of provider-participant connections and support delivery
  • Participants might decline services because of a variety of reasons, highlighting the need for further education and understanding of outplacement services
  • Millennials prioritise CV refinement, career path development, and work culture, particularly valuing a healthy work-life balance
  • The personalised outplacement programmes at Careerminds have more than an 80% engagement rate, a 95% placement rate, and an average duration of under 12 weeks to secure a placement
  • Successful participants share a positive mindset, resilience, and goal-oriented milestones

If your organisation is considering outplacement services, contact us at the earliest opportunity to find out more.

Elizabeth Openshaw

Elizabeth Openshaw

Elizabeth is a diligent, articulate, and versatile Blogger and CV Consultant with over 13 years of experience in the job search sector, including extensive expertise in outplacement services and CV reviews, supporting job seekers and all of those involved in the recruitment process. With a personable and self-assured outlook, Elizabeth consistently produces work to a high standard and hits deadlines 100% of the time. Showcases excellent organisational and time management skills, proven by 17 years as a Journalist on numerous national publications including as Features Editor on a monthly glossy magazine and as a regular contributor to Men’s Health, Slimming World and Candis. As Director of her own company, OpenDoor CV Expertise Ltd, Elizabeth displays a high level of professionalism, demonstrated by the positive recommendations and testimonials from many previous clients. Additionally, she is an active member of both the British Association of CV Writers (BACVW) and the Institute of Employability Professionals (IEP), supporting people to gain work, progress in work, and retain work.

Do you require outplacement support?

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